Academic Policies
Instructions and deadlines for registration in Smith and Five College courses are distributed by the Office of the Registrar.
Changes in Course Registration
During the first 10 class days (September in the first semester and February in the second semester) a student may drop or enter a course with the approval of the adviser.
From the 11th through the 15th days of class, a student may enter a course with the permission of the instructor, the adviser and the director of graduate and special programs.
A student may drop a course from the 10th day of classes to the end of the fifth week of the semester, only:
- after consultation with the instructor AND
- with the approval of the adviser and the director of graduate and special programs.
Completion of Course Work
A graduate student who is unable to complete required course work on time must submit to the director of graduate and special programs a written request for an extension before the end of the semester in which the grade is due. The request should include the reason the extension is needed and a specific date by which the student proposes to complete the work. The instructor of the course should also submit a statement in support of the extension. If the extension is granted, the work must be completed by the date agreed on by the director, instructor and student. No extensions may exceed one calendar year from the time of initial enrollment in the course. The initiative in arranging for the completion of course work rests with the student.
For every degree program, all work to be counted toward the degree (including the thesis) must receive a grade of at least B-minus, but the degree will not be awarded to a student who has no grade above this minimum. Courses for graduate study may not be taken on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.
Residence Requirements
Leaves of Absence
A student who wishes to be away from the college for a semester or academic year for personal reasons may request a leave of absence. The request must be filed with the director of graduate and special programs by May 1 for a fall semester or academic-year leave or by December 1 for a second-semester leave. No leaves of absence will be approved after May 1 for the following fall semester or academic year and December 1 for the spring semester, and the student must withdraw from the college.
A leave of absence may not be extended beyond one full academic year, and a student who wants to be away from the college for more than one year must withdraw.
A student on a leave of absence is expected to adhere to the policies regarding such leaves. A student's tuition account must be in good standing or the leave of absence will be canceled.
International Students
Under special circumstances we may award the Certificate of Graduate Studies to international students who have received undergraduate training in an institution of recognized standing and who have satisfactorily completed a year's program of study under the direction of a committee on graduate study. This program must include at least 28 credits completed with a grade of C or better. At least five of these courses should be above the intermediate level.
Contact Graduate & Special Programs
Seelye Hall 209
2 Seelye Drive
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063
Phone: 413-585-3050 Email:
Associate Dean of the Faculty/
Dean for Academic Development:
Hélène Visentin
Operations Coordinator: Martha Potyrala